Friday, March 23, 2012

The New Coupon Barcode System |

You may or may not have noticed a new barcode system lately on your coupons. It is the new GS1 Databar.

This new barcode is supposed to make it easier for the manufacturer’s to determine what each coupon is for. Therefore, making it easier for the register to read and understand as well. It will also help cut down on coupon fraud. No more using a coupon for the wrong product. No more matching up barcodes.

With the new system:

  • Coupon value codes can now be in any amount up to $999.99, and they are not
    limited to a table of only 100 possibilities like the old system.
  • Precise offer descriptions and validation of offers involving specified
    quantity purchases can now be expressed.
  • Fraud is reduced due to complexity of description and save values. Also, the
    entire barcode encoded data is not presented in human readable format.
  • Automatic expiration date checking for retailers.
  • Coupons can be made store specific.

But what does this mean for you as a couponer?

This new barcode means that you will no longer have to worry about wondering, will this coupon work? Am I using it the right way? It will be very specific. No more guessing.

Hopefully, this will also cut down on the amount of coupon fraud, therefor the stores will remain coupon friendly.

During the transition to the new system, some stores may have issues
with the new bar code. This should be remedied soon as all stores will have to update their systems.
Until then, some stores may have to enter the coupon manually or not accept it

For more information on this new system, go to  GS1Databar site for more info.


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